Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Resources and Environment

     Course overview

        New courses (6 ECTS)

    • Control of marine pollution – 3 ECTS (Bachelor Marine environment and resource management-HCMUNRE) Syllabus
    • Marine resources and environment management  – 3 ECTS (Bachelor Marine environment and resource management-HCMUNRE) Syllabus

          Revised courses (9 ECTS)

    • Modeling the marine environment 4,5 ECTS (Bachelor of Marine environment and resource management-HCMUNRE) Syllabus
    • Marine Ecology 4,5 ECTS (Bachelor of Marine environment and resource management-HCMUNRE) Syllabus,

The actual information about the courses can be find at http://elearning.biendaohcm.com/ 
– Course materials are  available online at the online libary of the faculty of marine resources and environment management- MAREM. The link can be viewed at               https://thuvienso.biendaohcm.com/ 
– Comment and evaluation sheets on the detailed online course outlines from internal and external reviewers (academic institutions, EU project partners) can be viewed at      https://marehcm.biendaohcm.com/?p=6419 
– Online courses compilation plan in the MARE project from P5, including  accreditation plan for the courses can be viewed at https://marehcm.biendaohcm.com/?page_id=6404

This project has been funded by Erasmus+ CBHE programme of the European Union.

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This project No. 610327-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP has been funded by Erasmus+ CBHE programme of the European Union.