ICT – Training

A four-day training was held on June 30th – July via the online platform Zoom.
The interactive training aimed at introducing key aspects of “Information and Communications Technology” to the participants and had been delivered by the European partners of both the MARE and the URGENT project. The training contained the theoretical input by lecturers, practical group exercises for the participants and additional information and input from experts from the field of ICT. As part of the training, participants had been introduced to the topic of ICTs, their growing importance in society and academia as well as received detailed and in-depth knowledge on important and popular ICT methodologies (e.g., Geo- Information Systems, Lecture Recordings, Web-based Learning Platforms, etc.).
Specific objectives of the training were to strengthen capacities of participants and fellow project members, to enhance cooperation between partners and to provide specific scientific knowledge and examples on describing, using, and understanding ICTs. A particular focus lied on the rise of ICTs during the ongoing global pandemic and the lessons learned during this period.
See more: Online-Training on Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

A two-day training was held on August 19th – 20th, 2021 via the online platform Zoom.
The webinar provided participants the basic knowledge and skills necessary to use Xerte and Moodle to create and deliver their courses online for students. Following topics  covered during the webinar:
• Creation of interactive content in Xerte
• Creation of interactive content using H5P
• Teacher dashboard in Moodle
• Formatting course material in Moodle
• Uploading and editing content in Moodle
• Forums and Assignments in Moodle
• Question bank in Moodle
• Quizzes in Moodle
• Enroll of Students and Communicate in Moodle
See more: Webinar -Learning Management System Training

A two-day training was held on August 9th -10th in the computer lab of Technology Building of Estonian University of Life Sciences.
4 sessions:
● E-learning session I: “How to create quizzes in Moodle”
● E-learning session II: “Possibilities of using the assignement tool in the Moodle courses”
● E-learning session III: “H5P – How to create interactive videos, quizzes and
● E-learning session IV: “Various digital tools that can be used in teaching”
See more: e-learning training in Tartu


This project has been funded by Erasmus+ CBHE programme of the European Union.

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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This project No. 610327-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP has been funded by Erasmus+ CBHE programme of the European Union.