MaGiCo! Webinar Series

UTP will be conducting the first webinar between MARE-IGM starting this January 2023.
The webinar series is called as MaGiCo! Webinar Series.
Here is the website to promote the whole collaborative idea through this webinar


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This month, the webinar will be conducted on 25th January with an interesting topic related to geohazard analysis, using case study from Mt. Etna Italy.
Details of the talk is as poster below.
The registration link is as follows:

This project has been funded by Erasmus+ CBHE programme of the European Union.

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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This project No. 610327-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP has been funded by Erasmus+ CBHE programme of the European Union.

12 October 2022 Visit to VALE Malaysia Mineral Sdn. Bhd


Date: October 12th, 2022
Venue: Vale Malaysia Minerals Sdn. Bhd., Perak, Malaysia
Course: MEB2043 Fluid Mechanics I – September 2022 semester
Target audience: Semester 5 students
As a continuation from Coastal and Marine Sustainability Enacted (COME!) Summer School visit to VALE Malaysia Mineral Sdn. Bhd. in August 2022, Erasmus+ MARE team from UTP has arranged a successive event to continue the sectoral collaborative platform between Vale, UTP and Erasmus+ MARE team.
52 students from MEB2043 Fluid Mechanics I subject (Mechanical Engineering Program) along with 1 faculty member (Prof. Ir. Dr. Shaharin Anwar- MARE UTP Project Leader) had visited Vale Malaysia Minerals Sdn. Bhd. for a field-industrial visit.
This visit has also been published and publicized in Vale in Malaysia Facebook and their official website. Kindly click the following links for Vale post in FB and website.
This industrial visit aimed to
1. Expose students to practical knowledge on applications of fluid mechanics in the industry that is highly committed to sustainability of the environment, particularly the coastal area.
2. Raising awareness about environmental and sustainability interests through company’s core values.

Vale Malaysia Mineral Industrial Visit Report for mare web_v2.


27 July 2022 Meeting — MARE Vietnam partners and stakeholders for SCP

This meeting was a session incorporated in the agenda of National Training and Stakeholder Workshop strengthening the exchange of information, science and technology to support the implementation of the National Action Plan on Marine Plastic Waste Management co-organized by MCD and VISI with more than 70 participants from various agencies, organizations and academic institutions, which included representatives of all MARE project Vietnamese partners MCD, HCMUNRE, CTU, VMU and VNIO
