MARE community

Partners of the Erasmus+ project MARE MARE stakeholder communities (stakeholder-academia collaborative platforms) MARE PhD students MARE academic faculty available for PhD and MSc supervision Sharing of research equipment, experimental sites and facilities MARE...

Mare in Media

Mare in Media HCMUNRE website MAREM – faculty of Marine resources management website Fanpage of MAREM HCMUNRE’s MARE website...

Training events and summer schools

MARE offers different training activities: summer schools (large international open call training events hold annually), onsite seminars , webinars A series of online webinars that cover various topic on Geoscience has been conducted by the Universiti Teknologi...

Coordination meetings

Coordination meetings The Agendas and Minutes of meeting are availible in the Project Management platform, 6-8 September Final project meeting in Ho Chi Minh City agenda, minutes 31 July-1 August 2023 Coordination Visit from Dr. Anton Shkaruba report 10-11 June 2023...

Overview of Stakeholder and dissemination events

Stakeholder and dissemination events 28 August 2023 Forum of SUMARE Tran De Gateway port for the Mekong Delta report 25 August 2023 Forum of SUMARE Mangrove Forest and Climate Change Response report 29 July 2023 Forum of SUMARE Discussion on Plastic Waste report 6-8...

Events Overview

 Summer Schools and training events 30 August 2023  DISSEMINATION OF e-LEARNING TRAINING CONDUCTED AT ESTONIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES report 8-11 August 2023 MARE e-learning training in Tartu report1, report2 18-21 July 2023 UTM-UNICT Bilateral Research Program...

2023 Teaching and Learning Awards

UTP -MARE Team Success Story Several MARE team members from UTP had received few awards and appointment at university and national level through out the duration of MARE project. Teaching and Learning Awards National Level First and foremost, Ts. Dr. Teh Hee Min (CEE)...

MARE ICT Trainings

ICT - Training A four-day training was held on June 30th – July via the online platform Zoom.The interactive training aimed at introducing key aspects of “Information and Communications Technology” to the participants and had been delivered by the European partners of...

MARE Implementation Meeting - Phase 2 17th – 19th of Septemper 2020

Kick Off Meeting

This project has been funded by Erasmus+ CBHE programme of the European Union.

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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This project No. 610327-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP has been funded by Erasmus+ CBHE programme of the European Union.