9th Dec 2020: Webinar: Industry in classroom

In total, 54 first year Bachelor of Science (Marine Science) students had participated in the International Webinar on Marine Environment: Facilitating Marine Environmental Awareness through Research and Education through UTM's Facebook livestream. Through this...

5th November 2020 Lecture of Well Stimulation Techniques course

On 5th November 2020, dissemination Session 4 on MARE was conducted via Online Platform, Microsoft Teams. The session was carried out during lecture of Well Stimulation Techniques course. The speaker, Haizatul Hafizah introduced the background of MARE and project...

1-14 December 2020: Solo Beach Cleanup

1st Dec 2020 until 14th Dec 2020: Solo Beach Cleanup We have organized “solo beach cleanup” to build students sense of responsibilities to protect the marine environment.   Due to covid situation, only 16 students were able to access to their hometown nearest beach.  ...

2 November 2020 Adoption of online teaching course syllabus

Meeting "The adoption of online teaching course syllabus" Date: 2 November 2020 Coordinator: P5 HCMUNRE Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Resources and Environment Partners: HCMUNRE MARE's staff and Science council members of Marine resources Training on the use...

MARE Implementation Meeting - Phase 2 17th – 19th of Septemper 2020

Kick Off Meeting

This project has been funded by Erasmus+ CBHE programme of the European Union.

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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This project No. 610327-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP has been funded by Erasmus+ CBHE programme of the European Union.