Dîssemination activities started from the begin of the project.
see summary report MY and VN partners
Mare in Media
Mare in Media HCMUNRE website http://www.hcmunre.edu.vn/hcmunrechitiet/trang-chu-tnmt/hoi-thao-khoa-hoc-bao-cao-ket-qua-thuc-hien-du-an-mare?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1 MAREM – faculty of Marine resources management website Fanpage of MAREM HCMUNRE’s MARE website...
Overview of Stakeholder and dissemination events
Stakeholder and dissemination events 28 August 2023 Forum of SUMARE Tran De Gateway port for the Mekong Delta report 25 August 2023 Forum of SUMARE Mangrove Forest and Climate Change Response report 29 July 2023 Forum of SUMARE Discussion on Plastic Waste report 6-8...
28 August 2023 Forum of SUMARE Tran De Gateway port for the Mekong Delta
Within the framework of the SUMARE Forum under the MARE Project, at 9:30 am on August 28, 2023 at the University of Natural Resources and Environment of Ho Chi Minh City, the thematic report session "Tran De Gateway Port for the Mekong Delta" was presented by Mr. Doan...
25 August 2023 Forum of SUMARE Mangrove Forest and Climate Change Response
MEETING CONTENT Ms. Ho Yen Thu represented the Organizing Committee to welcome delegates and guests to the seminar, interact with participants and guests, and coordinate the meeting through the seminar program. The Symposium seminar "Discussion on Manggro forest and...
27 July 2023 Forum of SUMARE Discussion on Plastic Waste
MEETING CONTENT Dr. Huynh Vuong Thu Minh represented the Organizing Committee to welcome delegates and guests to the seminar, interact with participants and guests, and coordinate the meeting through the seminar program. The Symposium seminar "Discussion on the Issue...
6-8 June 2023 MARE Symposium
UniKL has organized a Stakeholder Symposium consisting of panels from industry, academia and non- governmental organizations. The objective of this symposium is to get and latest information and engagement with the students and staff of all MY participants Agenda...
9 June 2023 Forum of SUMARE Water resource management in Mekong Delta in the context of climate change
Contents of the meeting in forum of SUMARE: Opening the meeting, Dr. Le Thi Kim Thoa, MARE project manager and coordinator welcomed all members attending the meeting, introduced the author, participants and the purpose of the forum SUMARE in the meeting. She also...
12 April 2023 MaGiCo! webinar series
MaGiCo! webinar for February will be conducted on 12th Apr 2023ю Topic 1: Marine seismic acquisition and role of the industry practitioner in sustaining the marine environment by Mr Rahimi bin Faizal (PETRONAS, Malaysia) Topic 2: Offshore sand mineral resources in...
16 February 2023 Workshop on the Enterprise-Academy connection on Marine Coastal and Delta Sustainability
The workshop session on 16 February 2023 had 09 research projects presenting experiences as well as a practical implementation of solutions for sustainable environment development and business connection. Promotion for University-Enterprises connection: A case...
6-10 November 2022 TOMSY Conference arrangement for MARE
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
This project No. 610327-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP has been funded by Erasmus+ CBHE programme of the European Union.