Dîssemination activities started from the begin of the project.
see summary report MY and VN partners
2nd May 2021: Industry in Classroom Awareness on Marine and Coastal Pollution
The talk was attended by 53 undergraduate students. It covered topics on various type of pollutants such as sewage, plastics, E-waste, etc., in our environment. The talk focused on marine debris and plastic pollution and how we as an individual could do to reduce the...
21 April 2021 UniSmartItaly
UniSmartItaly is a virtual fair presenting the Italian academic system in synergy with the business system, especially with Italian companies in Vietnam. It is organized by the Conference of Italian University Rectors-CRUI and the Italian Trade Agency-ICE, with the...
9-10 December 2020 International Webinar on Marine Environment: Facilitating Marine Environmental Awareness through Research and Education
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) has proudly hosted an International Webinar on Marine Environment: Facilitating Marine Environmental Awareness through Research and Education. This webinar was jointly organized by Marine Technology Center, School of Civil...
9-10 December 2020 International Webinar on Marine Environment: Facilitating Marine Environmental Awareness through Research and Education
From 9 to 10 December 2020, the Marine Technology Center, School of Civil Engineering and School of Education, Malaysia has co-hosted the International Webinar on Marine Environment: Facilitating Marine Environmental Awareness through Research and Education. This...
5th November 2020 Lecture of Well Stimulation Techniques course
On 5th November 2020, dissemination Session 4 on MARE was conducted via Online Platform, Microsoft Teams. The session was carried out during lecture of Well Stimulation Techniques course. The speaker, Haizatul Hafizah introduced the background of MARE and project...
15 October 2020 Roundtable Discussion organized by UTM
SESSION 1 Date: 15th October 2020 Time: 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Venue: Microsoft Teams (Online Platform) Audience: Participants from Malaysia partner universities (UTP, UTM, UMT, and UniKL) In conjunction with Erasmus Days, a roundtable discussion was organized by UTM...
15 October 2020 A Sharing Marathon organized by UTM International in conjunction with #ERASMUSDAY
Presentation of MARE project during Erasmus+ CBHE Projects: A Sharing Marathon organized by UTM International in conjunction with #ERASMUSDAY Date: 15th October 2020 Method: Zoom Online Platform Purpose: To spread the word about any projects that have been launched,...
15 October 2020 -Round Table Discussion among MARE Malaysia Partners
15th October 2020 - UTM organized Round Table Discussion among MARE Malaysia Partners in conjunction with #ERASMUSDAYS Purpose: To discuss the dissemination activities inlcuding MARE Online Seminar and stake holder engagement Audience: Members of MARE Malaysia...
13 September 2020 The Welcoming and Orientation Day at Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL)
MIMET was conducted on 13th September 2020. It was attended by approximately 100 new 1st year students. The briefing was conducted by Lecturer and team member, Mrs Azila Ayub. The main contents of the briefing include the introduction of the UniKL campus as well as...
15 May 2020 Keynote lecture in International Webinar: World Energy Challenge in COVID19 Pandemics and Unstable Oil Price
15th May 2020 - Members of MARE presented as keynote lecture in International Webinar: World Energy Challenge in COVID19 Pandemics and Unstable Oil Price Purpose: To discuss the potential of marine renewable energy as a solution to the current landscape of oil...
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
This project No. 610327-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP has been funded by Erasmus+ CBHE programme of the European Union.