17.March 2023 Visit of students and researchers from UNIKL (Malaysia) to UNICT (Italy)

The Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University Of Catania has hosted a delegation of students and teachers from the University of Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia as part of the activities of the European project Marine Coastal and Delta Sustainability for Southeast Asia (Mare).

The three-year project aims to reform the university educational offer on the topics of sustainable and integrated management of coastal areas in Vietnam and Malaysia, according to the objectives of Capacity Building of non-EU countries of the Erasmus + Program.

Among the activities and collaborations between the various project partners, a series of short-term mobility of teachers and students from and to Asian countries is foreseen. Kuala Lumpur students, in particular, will develop their degree theses on the topics of planning and management of coastal areas and maritime hydraulics during their visit to Dicar.

The students’ work will be supervised by teachers Daniele La Rosa (project coordinator) and Pietro Scandura from Dicar.


March 2023 MaGiCo! Webinar Series


  • Speaker’s 1 name: Mr Alvin Chelliah (Reef Check Malaysia, Malaysia)

  • Title 1: Local community involvement in the management of Tioman Island Marine Park

  • Time:  3.00 p.m. – 4.15 p.m. (GMT8)

​​Speaker’s 2 name: Prof. Dr. Christian Wild (University of Bremen, Germany)

  • Title 2: Functions of coral reef organisms and their ecosystems under rapid environmental change

  • Time: 4.15 p.m. – 5.30 p.m. (GMT8)

  • Date: 22 March 2023

  • Webinar platform: MIcrosoft Teams

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21 February 2023 Project coordination meeting between University of Bremen and MCD

On 21 Feb 2023, within the framework of the Marine Coastal and Delta Sustainability for Southeast Asia (MARE) Project, representatives of UniHB paid a visit to MCD office in Hanoi and had a meeting with MCD team.
Through the visit and meeting, the representatives of two parties UniHB and MCD had the opportunities to meet in-person, to exchange instutional perspectives, and to discuss about the progress of MARE project in which the roles and tasks of both parties were reflected on for mutual appreciation and efficient cooperation. It was also an useful discussion that resulted in a mutual agreement on the coordination mechanism from UniHB to MCD for the period until the end of the project, to make sure effective accomplishment of the project.


15-17 February 2023 Project Meeting and The Workshop on the Enterprise-Academy connection on Marine Coastal and Delta Sustainability minutes

Welcoming speech by Dr. Tran The Nam from Vietnam Maritime University (VMU). This MARE meeting was organized with the support of staff members of VMU.
He also summarized the activities, meeting contents, and logistics arrangement throughout the three days event to the MARE partners.
MARE creates opportunities for member schools to access the system of equipment for online classrooms and conferences, with the aim to cooperate and implement pilot E-learning courses, create and updates courses based on the knowledge and skills shared in the program and also organize international seminars and summer courses for students, researchers, and lecturers. Moreover, this also presents an opportunity for Vietnam Maritime University to build a network of connections with prestigious domestic and foreign partners regarding academic and scientific research activities.


22nd Feb 2023 MaGiCo! webinar for February will be conducted with theme Life Under the Sea.

MaGiCo! webinar for February will be conducted on 22nd Feb 2023 with theme Life Under the Sea.

  • Speaker’s 1 name: Prof Dato’ Dr Noraieni Mokhtar (Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, UMT)

  • Title 1: UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2030: The Science we need for the Future we want

  • Time:  3.00 p.m. – 4.15 p.m. (GMT8) ​

  • ​​Speaker’s 2 name: Prof Dr Arvo Tuvikene (Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia)

  • Title 2: Assessment of Estonian coastal sea pollution through fish biological abnormalities

  • Time: 4.15 p.m. – 5.30 p.m. (GMT8)

  • Webinar platform: MIcrosoft Teams

Please find below the details of the event.

All are encouraged to participate and please kind register using the given link.

More Information

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MaGiCo! Webinar Series

UTP will be conducting the first webinar between MARE-IGM starting this January 2023.
The webinar series is called as MaGiCo! Webinar Series.
Here is the website to promote the whole collaborative idea through this webinar https://magicomareigm.wixsite.com/magicomareigm/magico-webinar

REGISTER HERE: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/61f7f05c-5f2d-468c-9ac1-f52329eeca96@84187be3-037e-41ec-889c-a150fe476432

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This month, the webinar will be conducted on 25th January with an interesting topic related to geohazard analysis, using case study from Mt. Etna Italy.
Details of the talk is as poster below.
The registration link is as follows:

This project has been funded by Erasmus+ CBHE programme of the European Union.

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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This project No. 610327-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP has been funded by Erasmus+ CBHE programme of the European Union.