November 1-16, 2021 Sustainability science and management for resilient coastal communities and fishing stocks

Sustainability science and management for resilient coastal communities and fishing stocks
The November school SMART will be run in a hybrid format, with teachers and resources persons mostly present at the school venue in Mazara del Vallo (Italy) and most of the audience participating online. It will include lectures, online discussions and skill training, and two group projects involving the students working at the school venue as well as ones following this online and exploring cases in Malaysia and Vietnam.
The topics the school will explore are:
–             Resilience of coastal communities – socioeconomic and biophysical drivers, including the trade-offs between the multiple uses of marine and coastal resources
–             Planning perspective on coastal sustainable development, including the tourism related urban sprawl, accounting for competing multiple uses, and coastal defense
–             Bioeconomics on the interface of the sea and terrain
–             Integrative sustainable coastal management and governance
–             Sustainability indicators for coastal communities, and coastal and marine ecosystems
–             Field methods for coastal ecological research
–             Marine biological resources, their stocks and sustainable management
–             Remote sensing methods for exploring coastal and marine sustainability

–             “Kind city” as a model for sustainable development of a coastal urban community
–             Management of fishing stock for sustainable field

The main teaching period is November 1-7, 2021, and a post-school of November 8-14 allocated for tutoring, independent project work and the graduation. We expect a large international audience to attend online. Our capacity is limited to 50 participants; most of the audience is expected to represent MARE and URGENT Erasmus+ projects, including both the representatives of EU universities as well as India, Malaysia and Vietnam.

The November School is prepared by Istituto per lo studio degli impatti Antropici e Sostenibilità in ambiente marino (Capo Granitola, Italy), Istituto per le Risorse Biologiche e le Biotecnologie Marine (Mazara del Vallo, Italy), University of Catania (Italy), University of Bremen (Germany), Estonian Life Science University (Tartu, Estonia), and the city of Mazara del Vallo in cooperation with international partners.

If you are interested to participate in the school, we kindly ask you to fill in the online application form:

1st August 2021 Welcoming and Orientation Day for 1st year Students

The Welcoming and Orientation Day event hosted by UniKL and UniKL MIMET was conducted on 1st
August 2021 for Bachelor programme and 17th July 2021 for postgraduate programme. It was attended
by approximately 50 new 1st year students. The briefing was conducted by Lecturer and team member,
Mrs Azila Ayub. The main contents of the briefing include the introduction of the UniKL campus as well
as the introduction to the MARE that UniKL is part of.

Information about the project as overall and the contribution of the courses in Bachelor of Maritime
Operation and Master of Maritime Operations and Management were explained. Speaker also
highlighted the possibility of student involvement in Summer School and exchange students under the
The event was made successful through collaboration between the Dean’s Office, Marketing Unit
(MeSRA) and the Academic Services Section (AcSS).

Call for Attention Training on ICT for Partners of URGENT and MARE

Dear Madam/Sir,
We have to pleasure to invite you to the upcoming training on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) organised with joint efforts by the University of Bremen, University of Tartu, University of Catania and University of Halle-Wittenberg. The training is part of the Erasmus+ Programme URGENT (Urban Resilience and Adaptation for India and Mongolia) and the Erasmus+ Programme MARE (Marine Coastal and Delta Sustainability for Southeast Asia).
A three day training is scheduled for June 30th – July 2nd (see agenda below) via the online platform Zoom.
The interactive training aims at introducing key aspects of “Information and Communications Technology” to the participants and will be delivered by the European partners of both the MARE and the URGENT project. The training contains theoretical input by lecturers, practical group exercises for the participants and additional information and input from experts from the field of ICT. As part of the training, participants will be introduced to the topic of ICTs, their growing importance in society and academia as well as will receive detailed and in-depth knowledge on important and popular ICT methodologies (e.g. Geo-Information Systems, Lecture Recordings, Web-based Learning Platforms, etc.).
Specific objectives of the training are to strengthen capacities of participants and fellow project members, to enhance cooperation between partners and to provide specific scientific knowledge and examples on describing, using and understanding ICTs. A particular focus will lie on the rise of ICTs in particular during the ongoing global pandemic and the lessons learned during this period.

We kindly invite you to confirm your institutions’ participation in this training by nominating participants from your institution. Prior to nomination, please take into account that the nominees should have:
• the opportunity to communicate the training results to colleagues in the sector and beyond,
• access to processes enabling changes in favour of the introduction of ICTs in practice or education,
• understanding of English language (no translation can be provided).

We kindly ask you to fill in the form before June 24, 2021 to register for participation. You will find a draft of the agenda below to familiarise yourself with the schedule and obtain an idea of the training proceedings.
We are looking forward to a fruitful training and remain at your disposal should you have any questions!

See : Training on Information and Communications Technology (ICT)



This project has been funded by Erasmus+ CBHE programme of the European Union.

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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This project No. 610327-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP has been funded by Erasmus+ CBHE programme of the European Union.

9-10 December 2020 International Webinar on Marine Environment: Facilitating Marine Environmental Awareness through Research and Education

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) has proudly hosted an International Webinar on Marine Environment: Facilitating Marine Environmental Awareness through Research and Education. This webinar was jointly organized by Marine Technology Center, School of Civil Engineering and School of Education, UTM. The webinar reached 2.3K views in FB Live session.
Purpose: To spread the word about MARE project and obtaining the latest knowledge about maritime environment from the stakeholders

Webinar Series – MARE

Report of MARE Webinar organized by UTM



9-10 December 2020 International Webinar on Marine Environment: Facilitating Marine Environmental Awareness through Research and Education

From 9 to 10 December 2020, the Marine Technology Center, School of Civil Engineering and School of Education, Malaysia has  co-hosted the International Webinar on Marine Environment: Facilitating Marine Environmental Awareness through Research and Education.

This webinar is part of activities conducted under an Erasmus project, Marine Coastal and Delta Sustainability for Southeast Asia (MARE) , which is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union with partners from Germany, Malaysia, Estonia, Italy, and Vietnam.

Dr. Le Thi Kim Thoa, from Department of marine resources management, Ho Chi Minh city University of Natural resources and Environment, Vietnam has delivered  the Keynote on sharing overall MARE implementation in Vietnam.

Date: 9th  December 2020 (Wednesday)
Link Facebook Live:
Opening Remark: Prof. Dato’ Ir. Dr. Mohammed Rafiq Bin Abdul Kadir
Keynote Lecture 1: Introduction to ERASMUS+ Project: MARE- Marine Coastal and Delta Sustainability for Southeast Asia (Dr. Anton Shkaruba, Estonian University of Life Sciences)
Keynote Lecture 2: Marine Environmental Policy in Malaysia (Ms. Cheryl Rita Kaur, MIMA)
Keynote Lecture 3: Marine Environmental Enforcement in Malaysia (Mr. Fairoz b. Rozali, MARDEP)
Keynote Lecture 4: Water Quality Management in Malaysia (Puan Norlin binti Jaafar, DoE)
Online Forum – Environmental Awareness Program in Higher Education
Objective:  To collect feedback and suggestion from the panels about the environmental related content in the courses under MARE Project

Date: 10th  December 2020 (Thursday)
Link Facebook Live:
Keynote Lecture 5:
 Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) and It’s Future in Indonesia (Prof. Jaswar Koto, Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau)
Keynote Lecture 6:  Implementation of MARE in Vietnam (Dr. Le Thi Kim Thoa, Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam)
Presentation from UTM, UTP and UMT researchers about marine environmental research project and academic activities.

5th November 2020 Lecture of Well Stimulation Techniques course

On 5th November 2020, dissemination Session 4 on MARE was conducted via Online Platform, Microsoft Teams. The session was carried out during lecture of Well Stimulation Techniques course. The speaker, Haizatul Hafizah introduced the background of MARE and project objectives, as well as the partner institutions involved in this project. During the sharing session, students were exposed with critical issues related to marine sustainability and its importance during oil and gas operations.