12 April 2023 MaGiCo! webinar series

MaGiCo! webinar for February will be conducted on 12th  Apr 2023ю

Topic 1: Marine seismic acquisition and role of the industry practitioner in sustaining the marine environment by Mr Rahimi bin Faizal (PETRONAS, Malaysia)

Topic 2:  Offshore sand mineral resources in Malaysis by PGeol Abdullah bin Sulaiman (Jabatan Mineral dan Geosains, Malaysia)

Please find below the details of the event.

All are encouraged to participate and please kind register using the given link.

📍Venue: MS Teams (REGISTER HERE: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/61f7f05c-5f2d-468c-9ac1-f52329eeca96@84187be3-037e-41ec-889c-a150fe476432 )


March 2023 MaGiCo! Webinar Series


  • Speaker’s 1 name: Mr Alvin Chelliah (Reef Check Malaysia, Malaysia)

  • Title 1: Local community involvement in the management of Tioman Island Marine Park

  • Time:  3.00 p.m. – 4.15 p.m. (GMT8)

​​Speaker’s 2 name: Prof. Dr. Christian Wild (University of Bremen, Germany)

  • Title 2: Functions of coral reef organisms and their ecosystems under rapid environmental change

  • Time: 4.15 p.m. – 5.30 p.m. (GMT8)

  • Date: 22 March 2023

  • Webinar platform: MIcrosoft Teams

    Register now

22nd Feb 2023 MaGiCo! webinar for February will be conducted with theme Life Under the Sea.

MaGiCo! webinar for February will be conducted on 22nd Feb 2023 with theme Life Under the Sea.

  • Speaker’s 1 name: Prof Dato’ Dr Noraieni Mokhtar (Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, UMT)

  • Title 1: UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2030: The Science we need for the Future we want

  • Time:  3.00 p.m. – 4.15 p.m. (GMT8) ​

  • ​​Speaker’s 2 name: Prof Dr Arvo Tuvikene (Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia)

  • Title 2: Assessment of Estonian coastal sea pollution through fish biological abnormalities

  • Time: 4.15 p.m. – 5.30 p.m. (GMT8)

  • Webinar platform: MIcrosoft Teams

Please find below the details of the event.

All are encouraged to participate and please kind register using the given link.

More Information

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MaGiCo! Webinar Series

UTP will be conducting the first webinar between MARE-IGM starting this January 2023.
The webinar series is called as MaGiCo! Webinar Series.
Here is the website to promote the whole collaborative idea through this webinar https://magicomareigm.wixsite.com/magicomareigm/magico-webinar

REGISTER HERE: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/61f7f05c-5f2d-468c-9ac1-f52329eeca96@84187be3-037e-41ec-889c-a150fe476432

Register now

Register now

This month, the webinar will be conducted on 25th January with an interesting topic related to geohazard analysis, using case study from Mt. Etna Italy.
Details of the talk is as poster below.
The registration link is as follows:

This project has been funded by Erasmus+ CBHE programme of the European Union.

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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This project No. 610327-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP has been funded by Erasmus+ CBHE programme of the European Union.

8 November 2021: Industry in Classroom_ Conservation Tourism

On the 8th of November 2021, Mrs. Aimi Osman (Project Manager of Alunan Coral Project) was invited to a sharing session for Marine Resources Management (MMS3623) class, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. Throughout the session, Mrs. Aimi shared about the role of Alunan Resort in conserving coral in Perhentian Island waters, Terengganu. Alunan Resort was appointed as one of the Malaysian Department of Fisheries (DOF) strategic partner in resource management, focusing on the restoration of damaged reef around Pulau Perhentian and conducting the marine awareness program with the public. Besides that, Alunan Resort also actively collaborate with the local universities on the coral conservation program, planting variety of corals in their nursery as well as on energy recycling to make full use of any energy within the resort compound. Mrs. Aimi also stated that until July 2021, Alunan Coral Project has successfully built a large area of coral nursery, planted 1,555 corals, and convinced the public to adopt 454 corals within the Pulau Perhentian waters. This project also has initiated the corals adoption program via Lazada, where anyone can adopt corals and participate in coral conservation just in one click. Everyone is welcome to visit their coral nursery and participate in the conservation program as well. Let’s conserve our nature by adopting corals (bit.ly/AlunanAdoptCoral) and everyone is welcome to follow them via bit.ly/AlunanCoralProject or bit.ly/AlunanCoralProjectIG.

See details