26th August 2021: Industry in Classroom_River and Water Awareness Education Programme

On 26th August 2021, UMT invited Dr. Hong Chern Wern, Executive Manager of Water Watch Penang, to share his experience about river system conservation with the student who enrolled MMS3003 Environment – Issue and Global Perspective via WebEX. The title of his presentation was River and Water Awareness Education Programme, focusing on how education can help increase awareness to conserve the Malaysia river system. Dr. Hong also shares several methods used by researchers to determine water quality. One of the interesting discussions between the audience and Dr. Hong is the role of an aquatic insect as the water quality indicator. At the end of the talk, Dr. Hong showed Malaysian river pollution status, categorised into different states based on the Water Quality Index by the Department of Environment, Malaysia. After the talks, a round table discussion between the audience and Dr. Hong focuses on how we as educators and students can help increase awareness to help conserve our freshwater resources. For more information about Water Watch Penang, please visit https://www.waterwatchpenang.org/.

See details

24th August 2021 2nd International Conference on Marine and Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2021

The 2nd International Conference on Marine and Advanced Technologies was conducted on 24th August
2021. It is annual event organized by Universiti Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Institute of Marine Engineering
Technology. It is home grown conference with the ideas to involve with the participation from local and
international researchers and inventors.
MARE was requested to participate in the conference with the special theme unfortunately the invitation
not capture the intention of others team members.
The conference was collaborating with the academia and stakeholder. It is the platform to change and
update the latest technologies involve in engineering and operations especially in maritime sector. More
then 75 papers have been presented during the event.
Organizer give an opportunity for MARE to advertise and promote the project during the parallel
session. The information has circulated for their info and further discussion.
The event was made successful through collaboration between the Research and Innovation Section,
Dean’s Office, Marketing Unit (MeSRA)

ATTENDEES: Approx. 100 pax.

See details 


9-10 December 2020 MARE Webinar organized by UTM

Date: 9th December – 10th December 2020
Time: 9.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.
Venue: WEBEX (Online Platform)
Audience: Participants from Malaysia partner universities (UTP, UTM, UMT, and UniKL)

MARE Webinar organized by UTM
On Wednesday 9th December 2020, an internal discussion with MARE Malaysia partner universities (UTP, UTM, UMT and UniKL) were conducted to discuss on revision of selected courses for each university. Later in the afternoon of the same day, MARE Webinar starts with opening remarks, keynote lectures, and an online forum. On the second day of the seminar, Thursday 10th of December 2020, there were presentations from partner universities involved. There are two representatives from UTP which are Dr. Teh Hee Min (Topic: Enhancement of Student Learning Experiences Through A Site Reconnaissance at The Eroded Beach in Teluk Nipah, Pangkor Island) and Mr. Mohamad Shaufi Sokiman (Topic: The Comparison on Distribution of Minerals Between Fluvial and Coastal Sediments of Terengganu, Malaysia).

Internal discussion with MARE Malaysia partner universities (UTP, UTM, UMT and UniKL)

Online Forum on Environmental Awareness Program in Higher Education




Profiles of MARE PhD students

MARE PhD students

  Name of the student, year Supervisor Thesis title Partner
1 Ngo Nam Thinh Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Bay Study to build a model for calculating rip current and apply it on Bai Dai – Khanh Hoa sea area Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Resources and Environment / VNIO Institute of Oceanography
2 Eric Joseph Pereira, 2022 – 2024 Dr. Teh Hee Min Performance Characteristics of An Oscillating Water Column Integrated With A Decommissioned Offshore Oil Platform Universiti Teknologi Petronas
3 Afifi Johari, 2020-24 Prof. Mohd Fadzil Bin The continuity of  the boundary current along the Southern South of China Sea Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
4 Afifi Johari, 2020-24 Prof. Mohd Fadzil Bin The continuity of  the boundary current along the Southern South of China Sea Tran Thi Kim
5 Faris Ali Hamood Al-Towayti, 2019-2024 Dr. Teh Hee Min Hydrodynamic characteristics of a semi-circular breakwater systems for wave protection of mangrove rehabilitation sites Universiti Teknologi Petronas
6 Vasukey Palany Kumar, 2021-2025 Dr. Teh Hee Min Coastal Vulnerability Assessment Towards Sustainable Management of Manjung Coastline, Perak, Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Petronas

Adibah Fatihah Binti Mohd Yusof, 2019-23

Prof. Adi Maimun Marine Renewable Energy Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
8 Khor Wei Han, 2019-23 Dr. Kang Hooi Siang Ocean Wave-Induced Sloshing Of Floating Photobioreactor In Microalgae Cultivation Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
9 Mazni Binti Mat Zin ,  2020-23 Dr. Shamila  Azman Microplastics in bivalves and their habitat in relation to aquaculture along Johor Straits Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
10 Nurul Ain Umaiban Binti Yusof, 2019-23 Dr. Shamila  Azman Anthropogenic debris in seafood: Plastic debris and fibers in crabs sold for human consumption Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
11 Saiful bin Jumali, 2022-23 Dr. Shamila  Azman Aged Polyethylene Microbeads Ingestion In Catfish And Its Vector Effect For Heavy Metals Contamination Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
12 Nor Suhaila Rahim, 2019-22 Dr. Mohamad Hidayat Beach profile change in the intertidal zone Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Ahmad Hadi Mohamed

Rashidi, 2018-22

Dr. Mohamad Hidayat Characteristics of Scour at the Toe of Shoreline Coastal Protection Structures on Sandy Beaches Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
14 Noorashiekin Binti Khalid, 2019-22 Dr. Shamila  Azman

Hydrodynamic and Particles

Transport Modelling of

Microplastics at Straits of


Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


This project has been funded by Erasmus+ CBHE programme of the European Union.

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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This project No. 610327-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP has been funded by Erasmus+ CBHE programme of the European Union.

1st August 2021 Welcoming and Orientation Day for 1st year Students

The Welcoming and Orientation Day event hosted by UniKL and UniKL MIMET was conducted on 1st
August 2021 for Bachelor programme and 17th July 2021 for postgraduate programme. It was attended
by approximately 50 new 1st year students. The briefing was conducted by Lecturer and team member,
Mrs Azila Ayub. The main contents of the briefing include the introduction of the UniKL campus as well
as the introduction to the MARE that UniKL is part of.

Information about the project as overall and the contribution of the courses in Bachelor of Maritime
Operation and Master of Maritime Operations and Management were explained. Speaker also
highlighted the possibility of student involvement in Summer School and exchange students under the
The event was made successful through collaboration between the Dean’s Office, Marketing Unit
(MeSRA) and the Academic Services Section (AcSS).

15 July 2021 -Geoscience Webinar Series by UTP and UMT

A series of online webinars that cover various topic on Geoscience has been conducted by the Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) and Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. The webinar series aimed to provide insightful and latest findings within geoscience field to students and public. The webinar series kick off in March 2021 with the talk by Dr. Abdul Halim (UTP) on the Introduction on Seismic Data Processing. The talk has been attended by undergraduates and postgraduate students from UMT. The attendees were exposed on the technical processes in seismic data analysis. The second and third session of the webinar series took place in April 2021. A talk on micropaleontology theme have been presented by Dr. Wan Nurzalia and Dr. Fatin Izzati from UMT. This time around attendees of the webinars were exposed to the application of micropaleontology study in predicting the future and understanding the past changes of planet Earth. The attendees were undergraduate, postgraduate, industrial partner (Mineral and Geoscience Department of Malaysia) and faculty members from UTP and UMT. Finally, a talk by Gs. Dr. Muhammad Hafeez on the Electromagnetic Method for Investigating Antarctica Ice-sheet Stability ended the webinar series in July 2021. The talk was very successful with attendance from students and faculty members from UTP and UMT.

See details