November 1-16, 2021 Sustainability science and management for resilient coastal communities and fishing stocks

Sustainability science and management for resilient coastal communities and fishing stocks
The November school SMART will be run in a hybrid format, with teachers and resources persons mostly present at the school venue in Mazara del Vallo (Italy) and most of the audience participating online. It will include lectures, online discussions and skill training, and two group projects involving the students working at the school venue as well as ones following this online and exploring cases in Malaysia and Vietnam.
The topics the school will explore are:
–             Resilience of coastal communities – socioeconomic and biophysical drivers, including the trade-offs between the multiple uses of marine and coastal resources
–             Planning perspective on coastal sustainable development, including the tourism related urban sprawl, accounting for competing multiple uses, and coastal defense
–             Bioeconomics on the interface of the sea and terrain
–             Integrative sustainable coastal management and governance
–             Sustainability indicators for coastal communities, and coastal and marine ecosystems
–             Field methods for coastal ecological research
–             Marine biological resources, their stocks and sustainable management
–             Remote sensing methods for exploring coastal and marine sustainability

–             “Kind city” as a model for sustainable development of a coastal urban community
–             Management of fishing stock for sustainable field

The main teaching period is November 1-7, 2021, and a post-school of November 8-14 allocated for tutoring, independent project work and the graduation. We expect a large international audience to attend online. Our capacity is limited to 50 participants; most of the audience is expected to represent MARE and URGENT Erasmus+ projects, including both the representatives of EU universities as well as India, Malaysia and Vietnam.

The November School is prepared by Istituto per lo studio degli impatti Antropici e Sostenibilità in ambiente marino (Capo Granitola, Italy), Istituto per le Risorse Biologiche e le Biotecnologie Marine (Mazara del Vallo, Italy), University of Catania (Italy), University of Bremen (Germany), Estonian Life Science University (Tartu, Estonia), and the city of Mazara del Vallo in cooperation with international partners.

If you are interested to participate in the school, we kindly ask you to fill in the online application form:

18th November 2021 Industry Engagement Dialogue

Industry Engagement Dialogue was conducted on 18th November 2021. It is an event organized by
Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Corporate Communication Department together with International, Industrial
and Institutional Partnership Unit. The main objective of the event to discuss from industry perspective
on potential workforce to succeed in the era of the 4th Industry Revolution.
The dialogue brings the expert from various industry that actively exposed in the IR 4.0 culture. The
panel involve in the dialogue were Dr. Peter Blomeyer (German Ambassor to Malaysia), Mr. Daniel
Bernbeck (CEO of Malaysia-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry), Prof. Ir. Dr. Azmi Hassan
(Managing Director of German-Malaysian Institute), Dr. James J. Govindasamy (General Manager of
CIBA Vision and Mr. Christoph Muller (Senior VP Operation at B.Braun Asia Pasific).
The panels have given the opinion with regards the topics based on their experiences and
implementation at their company. The transition from the conventional methods to advance
technologies slightly affected the performance of the employees. The employees need to attend
reskilling and upskilling training to improve their knowledge in that area. The changes good for future
development of country especially Malaysia due to most of the investor keen to use the latest and
update technologies such as argumented reality (AR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Clouds, Cyber Security,
The dialogue has been attended by postgraduate students and staff of UniKL. The attendees were
exposed on several investigation study made by CIBA Vision and B.Braun on successful of
implementation new style of working environment that been implemented at their company.

ATTENDEES: Approx. 100 pax.

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8 November 2021: Industry in Classroom_ Conservation Tourism

On the 8th of November 2021, Mrs. Aimi Osman (Project Manager of Alunan Coral Project) was invited to a sharing session for Marine Resources Management (MMS3623) class, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. Throughout the session, Mrs. Aimi shared about the role of Alunan Resort in conserving coral in Perhentian Island waters, Terengganu. Alunan Resort was appointed as one of the Malaysian Department of Fisheries (DOF) strategic partner in resource management, focusing on the restoration of damaged reef around Pulau Perhentian and conducting the marine awareness program with the public. Besides that, Alunan Resort also actively collaborate with the local universities on the coral conservation program, planting variety of corals in their nursery as well as on energy recycling to make full use of any energy within the resort compound. Mrs. Aimi also stated that until July 2021, Alunan Coral Project has successfully built a large area of coral nursery, planted 1,555 corals, and convinced the public to adopt 454 corals within the Pulau Perhentian waters. This project also has initiated the corals adoption program via Lazada, where anyone can adopt corals and participate in coral conservation just in one click. Everyone is welcome to visit their coral nursery and participate in the conservation program as well. Let’s conserve our nature by adopting corals ( and everyone is welcome to follow them via or

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18 October 2021 Opening Ceremony for the school year 2021-2022 and welcoming the 1st year students

On the morning of October 18, 2021, Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Resources and Environment solemnly held the Opening Ceremony of the school year 2021-2022. This is the most SPECIAL Opening Ceremony in the 45-year history of Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Resources and Environment when the first time the ceremony was held online on the Zoom platform and livestreamed on the HCMUNRE fanpage.

Attending the ceremony were the presence of Mr. Giang Duc Chung – Deputy Director of the Department of Organization and Personnel – MONRE; representatives of a number of deaprtments under the Ministry; Representatives of universities in Ho Chi Minh city and representatives of businesses and companies are sponsorships for students of the University;

The program has received the attention of previous school leaders: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Dinh Tuan – Former Principal of the School; GS. Dr. Phan Dinh Tuan – Former Principal of the School.

On the side of the University, there was the presence of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vu Xuan Cuong – Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the School Council; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Huynh Quyen- Rector of the School; together with representatives of the leaders of faculties, departments, institutes and centers throughout the university and especially the presence of more than 1000 new students attending via zoom and the university’s fanpage.

In this ceremony, Dr. Le Thi Kim Thoa, MARE project manager has  provided information about the MARE project and the online courses that have been built and are being implemented on the e-learning system. She also highlighted the 8 scholarships from the MARE project for students with gained good academic results. Scholarship winners will be able to attend a 2-week training session in Malaysia or Italy.

The most important goal of the University is to continue to improve university administration, improve training quality and international integration with the core value of “Creativity – Quality – Efficiency”.

30 August 2021 3rd National Workshop on Coastal and Marine Geology 2021

3rd National Workshop on Coastal and Marine Geology 2021 (30th Aug 2021)

Time: 8.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Venue: Online Workshop
Audience: UTP Students and Malaysian Public
The 3rd National Marine Geology and Coastal Workshop was held on 30th August 2021. This event was an annual event for Coastal and Marine Geology Working Group – Institute of Geology Malaysia (IGM) with collaboration with Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM) and managed by Academy GEX as the event organizer. This event was initially proposed by Mr Abdullah Sulaiman as the chairman of the working group committee. This year, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) has been selected to become the host of this event with support from the UTP – MARE ERASMUS team lead by Professor Ir Dr Shaharin Anwar B Sulaiman.
This event has become the annual platform for various stakeholders to share and discuss their finding related to the marine and coastal area development. The event theme for this year was “Towards sustainable coastal and Marine management”. This event was officiated by Mr Nizam Hassan (President of GSM) and later was continue with the 3 separate session which focusing on 3 different subtopic which are session 1 – coastal & marine development from geological perspective; session 2 – coastal issues, protection, and adaption; session 3 – coastal resources & sustainable management. Panel discussion towards the closing session have bring new ideas and perspective on the current and unsolved issues that lingers around the community revolving the importance of the sustainability development of the coastal area.
Session speakers were comprised of various professional from academics, industry, and the policy maker. The speakers for this year including researchers from academic and research institute, government officer and industry players. Participant were comprise of representative from the governmental agencies, undergraduates and postgraduates students from higher learning institution, private companies and non-governmental organization. The closing remarks were given later by Mr Abd Rasid Japar (President of IGM). This one-day webinar successfully gathers 171 participants not including the moderator and also the speakers.

See Details

Publication of Event 3rd National Workshop 2021 in Warta Geologi

26th August 2021: Industry in Classroom_River and Water Awareness Education Programme

On 26th August 2021, UMT invited Dr. Hong Chern Wern, Executive Manager of Water Watch Penang, to share his experience about river system conservation with the student who enrolled MMS3003 Environment – Issue and Global Perspective via WebEX. The title of his presentation was River and Water Awareness Education Programme, focusing on how education can help increase awareness to conserve the Malaysia river system. Dr. Hong also shares several methods used by researchers to determine water quality. One of the interesting discussions between the audience and Dr. Hong is the role of an aquatic insect as the water quality indicator. At the end of the talk, Dr. Hong showed Malaysian river pollution status, categorised into different states based on the Water Quality Index by the Department of Environment, Malaysia. After the talks, a round table discussion between the audience and Dr. Hong focuses on how we as educators and students can help increase awareness to help conserve our freshwater resources. For more information about Water Watch Penang, please visit

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