Coordination meetings

Coordination meetings

The Agendas and Minutes of meeting are availible in the Project Management platform,

  • 6-8 September Final project meeting in Ho Chi Minh City agenda, minutes
  • 31 July-1 August 2023 Coordination Visit from Dr. Anton Shkaruba report
  • 10-11 June 2023 Implementation of ebook in the MARE project minutes
  • 6-8 June 2023 MARE Project Meeting and MARE Symposium 2023. Agenda Minutes
  • 21 February 2023 Project coordination meeting between University of Bremen and MCD report
  • 18 February 2023 Implementation of ebook in the MARE project minutes
  • 15-17 February 2023 Project Meeting and The Workshop on the Enterprise-Academy connection on Marine Coastal and Delta Sustainability minutes
  • 19-20 December 2022 Implementation of ebook in the MARE project Minutes
  • 7-10 November 2022 Project Meeting in Kuala Nerus report
  • 5-7 July 2022 Meeting in Malaysia  agenda, report
  • 30 May – 1 June 2022 Project Meeting in Catania report
  • 5, 10 May 2022 MARE project meeting report
  • 21 December 2021 Online Meeting report
  • 6 April 2021 Online Meeting with EU Partners report
  • 6 April 2021 Online Meeting with MY Partners report
  • 2 November 2020 Adoption of online teaching course syllabus report,
  • 15 October 2020 -Round Table Discussion among MARE Malaysia Partners report
  • 17  – 19 September 2020 Inception Seminar in Can Tho, Vietnam report,
  • 18 – 20 of February 2020 Kick Off in Bremen report


Coordination meetings

Coordination meetings The Agendas and Minutes of meeting are availible in the Project Management platform, 6-8 September Final project meeting in Ho Chi Minh City agenda, minutes 31 July-1 August 2023 Coordination Visit from Dr. Anton Shkaruba report 10-11 June 2023...

MARE project meeting 5th, 10th May 2022

Within the framework of the MARE project “Marine Coastal and Delta Sustainability for Southeast Asia” funded by Erasmus+, Faculty of Marine Resources Management, Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Resources and Environment held the  MARE project meeting on May 5...

2 November 2020 Adoption of online teaching course syllabus

Meeting "The adoption of online teaching course syllabus" Date: 2 November 2020 Coordinator: P5 HCMUNRE Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Resources and Environment Partners: HCMUNRE MARE's staff and Science council members of Marine resources Training on the use...

17 – 19 September 2020 Inception Seminar in Can Tho, Vietnam

MARE - DEPLOYING WORK PACKAGE PHASE 2 MEETING Can Tho, Vietnam on 17th – 19th September 2020 Number: 610327-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Coordinator: Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Resources and Environment Can Tho University Partners: HCMUNRE, VMU, CTU,...

18 – 20 of February 2020 Kick Off in Bremen

18th – 20th of February 2020 – Kick Off Meeting in Bremen     Objectives of the meeting: Introduce work and research areas of partners Present/Discuss objectives, contents, time schedule, responsibilities etc.(à common understanding, acceptance, motivation,...

This project has been funded by Erasmus+ CBHE programme of the European Union.

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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This project No. 610327-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP has been funded by Erasmus+ CBHE programme of the European Union.

21 February 2023 Project coordination meeting between University of Bremen and MCD

On 21 Feb 2023, within the framework of the Marine Coastal and Delta Sustainability for Southeast Asia (MARE) Project, representatives of UniHB paid a visit to MCD office in Hanoi and had a meeting with MCD team.
Through the visit and meeting, the representatives of two parties UniHB and MCD had the opportunities to meet in-person, to exchange instutional perspectives, and to discuss about the progress of MARE project in which the roles and tasks of both parties were reflected on for mutual appreciation and efficient cooperation. It was also an useful discussion that resulted in a mutual agreement on the coordination mechanism from UniHB to MCD for the period until the end of the project, to make sure effective accomplishment of the project.


15-17 February 2023 Project Meeting and The Workshop on the Enterprise-Academy connection on Marine Coastal and Delta Sustainability minutes

Welcoming speech by Dr. Tran The Nam from Vietnam Maritime University (VMU). This MARE meeting was organized with the support of staff members of VMU.
He also summarized the activities, meeting contents, and logistics arrangement throughout the three days event to the MARE partners.
MARE creates opportunities for member schools to access the system of equipment for online classrooms and conferences, with the aim to cooperate and implement pilot E-learning courses, create and updates courses based on the knowledge and skills shared in the program and also organize international seminars and summer courses for students, researchers, and lecturers. Moreover, this also presents an opportunity for Vietnam Maritime University to build a network of connections with prestigious domestic and foreign partners regarding academic and scientific research activities.


MARE project meeting 5th, 10th May 2022

Within the framework of the MARE project “Marine Coastal and Delta Sustainability for Southeast Asia” funded by Erasmus+, Faculty of Marine Resources Management, Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Resources and Environment held the  MARE project meeting on May 5 and May 10, 2022.

The MARE project attracts 13 PCs, which are universities and research institutes from Germany, Italy, Estonia, Vietnam and Malaysia. The objective of the project is to improve the capacity of higher education and postgraduate education in Vietnam and Malaysia, to address the issue of governance and sustainable management of coastal and delta areas.

The MARE project meeting with the participation of the two experts Dr. Anton Shkaruba and Mr. Veljo Kabin from the Estonian University of Life Sciences. On the University side, there were the participation of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Quyen, the University’s principal, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ho Thi Thanh Van, head of the Department of Science, Technology and External Relations, Mr. Le Trung Tri, head of Administration and Equipment Department. Ms. Phan Thi Diem Hanh , Head of Finance Department, Dr. Nguyen Thi Hong Nguyet, Head of Faculty of Economics, Dr. Duong Thi Thuy Nga, Head of Faculty of Information Systems, Dr. Do Minh Tuan, Head of Department of Geodesy, Cartography and GIS, Dr. Le Thi Kim Thoa Deputy head of Marine Resources management Faculty,  teachers and students from the Faculty of Marine and Island Resource Management, Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Resources and Environment.

Opening the program, Dr. Le Thi Kim Thoa, MARE project manager introduced the participants and the objectives of the MARE project meeting.

Dr. Le Thi Kim Thoa, project manager of MARE introduces participants and contents of the seminar program

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Huynh Quyen – Rector of Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Resources and Environment welcomed two experts from the European Union, teachers of Departments, Faculties and students who attended the meeting. In the opening speech, he emphasized the importance of the MARE project in building and developing the online training management system with a modern approach. This system has met the needs of HCMUNRE in managing and monitoring the teaching and learning quality of lecturers and students. Especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Huynh Quyen – Rector of the University gave the opening speech of the meeting

He hopes that through the report on the implementation of the MARE project and the introduction of HCMUNRE’s e-learning system, the university’s teachers will receive experience sharing about the e-learning system operating at  EMU. He also emphasized the discussion, exchange of contents, plans for training trips in the near future, and opportunities for expanded cooperation with member partners in the future.

Representative of European partners, Dr. Anton Shkaruba, Estonian University of Science and Life, thanked the university for the warm welcome. He highly appreciated the results achieved by the teachers in the project, and the school’s efforts in expanding relationships and cooperation with project members, especially during the covid pandemic.

Dr. Anton Shkaruba, Estonia University of Life Sciences speaking at the meeting

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Quyen presents a souvenir to Dr. Anton Shkaruba

Dr. Le Thi Kim Thoa – Project manager, Faculty of Marine Resources Management reported the progress of the MARE project implementation. She said that the MARE project up to now has built and put an e-learning online training system into use for students majoring in Marine and Environmental Management. Besides the achievements, she also presented the difficulties and challenges when implementing the project, especially in the context of the recent covid-19 pandemic.

Dr. Le Thi Kim Thoa briefly presented the results of the project and the difficulties in the implementation
of the MARE project

The project staff in turn reported the school’s co-finance, the process of building the e-learning system, cooperation activities, and signing with members in the framework of the MARE project. Results of the implementation of online teaching using the e-learning system; Results of collecting feedback from students, lecturers, stakeholders about online courses on e-learning system.

After the report on the results achieved up to now and the highly agreed responses from students and teachers participating in the e-learning system of the MARE project, the participants discussed and shared the implemented content, exchange issues that need to be overcome and find ways to overcome the limitations of the current e-learning system.

At the end of the first working day, the members attending the workshop took souvenir photos together

On May 10, 2022, the expert delegation returned to Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City to deploy the content of academic exchanges and advanced lesson design training on the Project’s e-learning system for the lecturers of the Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Resources and Environment.

At the beginning of the working session, Dr. Anton Shkaruba introduced research directions and topics that European experts can share and collaborate with to improve research and teaching capacity for teachers and students of the PCs of the MARE project.

Dr. Anton Shkaruba introduces the main research directions of the European member experts

After that, the lecturers discussed the topics and research directions of interest, and shared ideas and research plans for the possibility of implementing the program for future PhD students.

Staff share interest topics, research directions, and collaborate with project partners

Continuing the presentation of Dr. Anton Shkaruba, IT expert Veljo Kabin, from Estonian University of Life Sciences introduced the e-learning training system at EMU and shared valuable experiences with the teachers participating in the MARE project.

Veljo Kabin presents EMU’s e-learning system and shares experiences

Teachers discussed and asked questions about how to manage and operate the e-learning system at EMU. After that, there was an advanced training session with in-depth content in designing course lectures, methods of assessing students in the learning process as well as organizing final exams, managing transcripts…

After two days of active work, the project meeting ended and was a great success. The Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Resources and Environment is very grateful for the active support of experts in the past few days and we are very grateful to the Erasmus foundation for creating favorable conditions for project members to have the opportunity, extensive cooperation in research and teaching.


2 November 2020 Adoption of online teaching course syllabus

Meeting “The adoption of online teaching course syllabus
Date: 2 November 2020

Coordinator: P5 HCMUNRE Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Resources and Environment
Partners: HCMUNRE MARE’s staff and Science council members of Marine resources Training on the use of the online teaching technologies: ZOOM, BigBLueButton, MS Teams and integration of the lessons based on these technologies into Syllabi of the new and revised courses.