MARE E-learning
All partner universities prepared eLearning modules, that are hosted on their platforms and shared with the other partnres.
MAREM E-learning system interface
eMARE E-learning system interface
- Marine resources and environment management E-learning presentation, E-learning
- River sea interaction E-learning presentation, E-learning
- Fisheries Oceanography E-learning presentation, E-learning
- Port and Marine Constructions E-learning presentation E-learning
- Control of marine pollution E-learning presentation, E-learning
- Marine ecology E-learning-presentation, E-learning
- Modelling marine environment E-learning presentation, E-learning
- GIS application in Marine resource management E-learning presentation, E-learning
- Map digitization E-learning presentation, E-learning
- Physical Geography of the East Sea E-learning presentation, E-Learning
- Ocean Environmental Management E-learning presentation, E-learning
- Management and Control of marine pollution E-learning presentation, E-learning
- Port and Marine Constructions E-learning presentation, E-learning
- Hydrometeorology E-learning presentation, E-learning
- Environmental Law and Policy E-learning presentation, E-learning
- Sustainability in coastal construction E-learning presentation, E-learning
- Fundamentals of climate change and natural disasters E-learning presentation, E-Learning
- Watershed management E-learning presentation, E-learning
- Environmental modelling E-learning presentation,, E-Learning
- Principles of Climate change mitigation and adaptation E-learning presentation, E-learning
- Hydrological Modelling E-learning presentation, E-learning
- Integrated Marine Pollution and control E-learning presentation, E-learning
- Oceanography E-learning presentation, E-learning
- Law of the Sea and Ship Operation E-learning presentation, E-learning
- Marine and Coastal Environment E-learning presentation, E-learning
- Maritime and Offshore Safety Analysis E-learning presentation,, E-learning
- Marine Environment and Renewable Energy, E-learning presentation,E-learning
- Marine Environment, E-Learning presentation E-learning
- Environmental Management and Sustainability E-learning presentation, E-learning
- Water Quality Assesment and Management E-learning presentation, E-learning
- Introduction to Oil & Gas Industry and Sustainable E-learning presentation, E-learning
- Physical Geology E-learning presentation, E-learning
- Pipeline and Risers E-learning presentation, E-learning
- Deepwater Maintenance E-learning presentation, E-learning
- Ocean and Coastal Engineering E-learning presentation, E-learning
- Coastal Planning and Management E-learning presentation, E-Learning
- Tropical Oceanography E-learning presentation, E-Learning
- Marine Resources Management E-learning presentation, E-Learning
- Environment: Issue and Global Perspective E-learning presentation, E-Learning
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
This project No. 610327-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP has been funded by Erasmus+ CBHE programme of the European Union.